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Take Action

Take Action: From Protest to Power! Steps for a better Houston

Life is better in your Union. Having a voice on the job means better pay, better health care, a more secure retirement and so much more. It means having a say in safety, staffing, and other important issues that help HOPE members do their jobs and keep Houston running.

HOPE members have endorsed a plan to change the way all City of Houston Employees are treated.

  1. Reposition Ourselves as a Union to City Workers, Elected Officials, and the General Public: If we are not united ourselves, how can we expect to be seen and valued by the citizens?
  2. Presence and Relationship with City Council: We need to show up at Council meetings and more importantly in the districts. They get a vote, if we are not visible who are they getting their story from? Upper management.
  3. Elect a Pro-HOPE Mayor:The Mayor has the final say over our jobs. Co-governance with the Mayor of Houston can impact every single employee. That is why we are proud to have supported our Mayor, John Whitmire. He has proven to be a Pro-HOPE Mayor!
  4. Grow HOPE Membership to Show Strength in Numbers: The greater the number, the more resources city workers have to impact positive changes on the job.
  5. Continuing Education for HOPE Members: HOPE has made the commitment to move away from staff doing things for us and instead invest in City workers being able to speak for ourselves. This means the develpoment of members is essential to winning on the job every day by enforcing our agreement.

You can take these simple steps be a part of this plan and make the City of Houston a better place to live and work.

Step 1:  Join Your Union

EVERY City Employee plays a role in the success of HOPE members in pushing for positive changes in the workplace.

Whether triennially negotiating for a fair Meet and Confer Agreement (CLICK HERE to VIEW) or pushing for changes at a Department level, it's clear that your numbers count.

If you're ready to be a part of the solution, then it's time to become a member (CLICK HERE) and join the fight!

As always, all conversations are private and confidential.

STEP 2: Get Active

The Secret to HOPE Member's success is Activity. We all know that no one can do everything, but everyone can do something!

That's why there are committees available that allow you to focus on YOUR interests and talents to make a real difference:

  • Membership Engagement Team (MET): If you're interested in making sure your co-workers are organized in HOPE, this is the place for you. From working on Union sponsored events to taking part in New Employee Orientations, the MET's main goal is unity for City Employees.
  • Political Action Through HOPE (PATH): Public Employees have a unique position with our ultimate bosses... WE ELECT THEM! That's why the PATH strives to educate both HOPE members and the general public on specific issues and candidates as well as monitor our elected officials to hold them accountable. The committee screen candidates and then recommend endorsements and support for those who are qualified and embrace the HOPE mission.
  • Community Engagement (The 99% Club): We provide valuable services for the City of Houston, but we're also a part of the very communities we proudly serve. The 99% Club is about HOPE Members making a difference both on and off the job. We'll take part in food drives, clean-up projects, and other programs to improve the community we live in.
  • Departmental Union Representatives (DURs): Union Representation is essential to dispute resolution and labor-management cooperation. DURs receive official training from both the City of Houston and HOPE staff to become qualified resources for fellow City Employees. This way, DURs are certified to assist with Employee Concern Resolution Processes (ECRPs), Grievances, and other formal or informal labor-management matters.
  • Contract Enforcement Team (Bargaining Council): The Bargaining Council will support the Negotiating Team that's elected by HOPE Members. While the Negotiating Team is at the table with City Leaders, the Bargaining Council supports their positions by mobilizing HOPE Members around negotiations to help win the best Meet and Confer Agreement possible.

These committees aren't the end of your opportunities for HOPE activity. From Emergency Preparedness Committees to Pension Action Teams to Health and Safety Committees, HOPE Members remain flexible to take on the challenges of the future.

Reach out to your coworkers in HOPE via the Contact Us page to work with these committees.

step 3: Stay Connected

Every member helps to build a strong and effective union by joining HOPE. As times change, HOPE members will win if we're informed about Union activities and can share our input to make sure our priorities and programs are successful.

You can make sure your Contact Information is up to date so that you can get the latest information from your fellow HOPE Union Members.

- Click HERE to Update your Contact Information! -

Additionally, official HOPE bulletin boards, union and worksite meetings, and social media are all great ways to stay up to date. - -